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Level of Injection in Spinal Anesthesia: Effect on Sensory Anesthetic Level
  1. N. Becker, M.D.*,
  2. C. Christiansen, M.D.**,
  3. T. Callesen, M.D.*,
  4. B. Thage, M.D.* and
  5. F. Bertelsen, M.D.*
  1. From the Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Frederiksberg Hospital Ndr. Fasanvej 57, DK 2000 Copenhagen F, Denmark.
  2. *Registrar.
  3. **Consultant, chief physician.
  1. Address correspondence and reprint requests to N. Becker, M.D., Mosekrogen 19, DK 2860 Sϕborg, Denmark.


Background and Objectives. A prospective, randomized study was performed to investigate the influence of the level of injection on sensory anesthesia when bupivacaine 0.5% adjusted to 37.0 C was used.

Methods. Three milliliters of plain bupivacaine 0.5% were injected at either the L2-3 interspace or the L4-5 interspace. There were 10 patients in each group. The patients were kept sitting for 2 minutes after injection.

Results. No significant difference in maximal level of sensory anesthesia was found ( p = 0.123).

Conclusion. These preliminary results indicate that if a higher level of injection is more suitable for anatomic reasons, it can safely be used without the risk of a much higher level of sensory blockade.

  • Anesthetics
  • local
  • bupivacaine
  • temperature
  • anesthetic technique
  • spinal
  • injection level.

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