Table 2

Procedural variables during the mid-thoracic epidural access

LAT group (n=38)CLO group (n=41)P value
Needling time (s)123.0 (107.0–296.0)95.0 (84.0–142.0)0.011
Number of needle passes2.5 (1.0–5.0)1.0 (1.0–3.0)0.003
Number of skin punctures0.293
 1/2/327 (71.1)/3 (7.9)/8 (21.0)35 (85.4)/2 (4.9)/4 (9.7)
Cross-over trial7 (18.4)1 (2.4)0.025
Needle tip location
 Grade 0/1/23 (9.7)/9 (29.0)/19 (61.3)27 (67.5)/11 (27.5)/2 (5.0)<0.001
Distance from skin to epidural space (cm)5.8±0.85.6±0.50.308
Radiation dose (cGy×cm2)88.5±71.259.3±35.00.026
  • Data are expressed as numbers (%) or medians (IQR). LAT and CLO groups comprised patients who underwent mid-thoracic epidural access under the fluoroscopic lateral view and contralateral oblique view, respectively.

  • CLO, contralateral oblique; LAT, lateral.