Table 17

Cervical medial branch blocks or IA cut-off correlation with RFA outcomes

StudyPatient populationDesignResultsComments
Cohen et al 20072092 pts with chronic neck pain from three treatment centers who underwent RFA after a positive response to diagnostic cervical LA blocks. Positive response was defined as ≥50% pain relief lasting at least 6 monthsRetrospective study56% of pts who had at least 50% but less than 80% relief from diagnostic blocks had a successful RFA procedure compared with 58% who experienced at least 80% relief from MBBMulticenter study using single blocks, evaluating cervical facet RFA
Burnham et al 20201950 pts who received 80–99% vs 100% pain relief after dual cervical MBBCross-sectional cohort study54% of pts in both groups reported ≥50% pain reduction87 records were screened and 50 pts were included in the study. Follow-up was conducted by phone call at various time intervals after 6 months
Holz and Sehgal, 201623112 pts with positive analgesic response to dual comparative MBBRetrospective chart reviewPercent pain relief after RFA was 48%. Overall analysis showed no correlation between percent or duration of pain relief after MBB and pain relief after RFA28% underwent cervical facet interventions. Highest pain relief was in individuals who achieved 100% pain relief lasting >8 hours with lidocaine, suggesting a strong placebo response
Shin et al 200628528 pts with positive analgesic response to dual comparative MBBObservationalNo correlation between categorical pain relief on prognostic blocks (25%, 50%, 75%, 80% and 100%) and pain relief after RFA5 pts had whiplash injury and 1 had penetrating neck trauma. Did not target TON
  • IA, intra-articular; RFA, radiofrequency ablation; MBB, medial branch block; TON, third occipital nerve.