Table 4

Secondary end points

FactorSerratus block (n=49)Paravertebral block (n=51)P value
Median MEQs in mg (IQR)
 Operating room10.0 (10.0–10.0)10 (8.75–10.0)0.38
 PACU4.5 (2.0–7.0)0 (0–6.5)0.03
 PACU discharge to morning of POD12.0 (2.0–4.0)2.0 (0–4.0)0.24
Antiemetics given in the PACU (%)19 (38.8%)8 (15.7%)0.01
Median pain NRS scores in PACU (IQR)
 Highest5.0 (4.0–7.0)4.0 (0–6.5)0.04
 Lowest0 (0–3.0)0 (0–0)0.01
Median pain NRS scores from PACU discharge to morning of POD1 in mg (IQR)
 Highest5.0 (3.0–6.0)3.0 (2.0–5.0)<0.01
 Lowest1.0 (0–3.0)0 (0–1.0)<0.01
 Average3.0 (2.0–4.0)2.0 (0.5–3.0)0.01
Median Likert scale nausea morning of POD1 (IQR)0 (0–0)0 (0–0)0.63
Median no of awakenings due to pain (IQR)0 (0–0)0 (0–0)0.31
  • Data are presented as median (IQR).

  • Test used: Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test (continuous factors), Fischer’s exact test (categorical). Likert scale: 0=nausea; 10=vomiting.

  • NRS, Numeric Rating Scale; PACU, postanesthesia care unit; POD, postoperative day.