Table 2

The pterygopalatine fossa foramina, contents, connections and different approaches

Foramen/channelsLocationConnectionForamen contentsAccessibility for blockade
Sphenopalatine foramenMedial wallNasal cavitySphenopalatine artery
Post. Nasal nerves
Endoscopic ‘true block’
Topical LA ‘presumed’
Pterygomaxillary fissurelateralInfratemporal fossaMaxillary artery branchesImage-guided
CT or fluoroscopy
Palatine canalInferiorRoof of the mouthGreater palatine nerve
Lesser palatine nerve
Descending palatine a.
Dentist’s approach
Inferior orbital fissureAnterior wall, roofFloor of the orbitInferior orbital nerve
Inferior orbital artery
Zygomatic nerve
Foramen rotundumPosterior wall, roofMiddle cranial fossaMaxillary nerveNA
Pterygoid canalPosterior wall, medialMiddle cranial fossaVidian nerve (Greater petrosal nerve and
Deep petrosal nerve)
Palatovaginal canalPosterior wallNasopharynxPharyngeal nerve
Pharyngeal branch of the maxillary artery
  • LA, local anesthetic; NA, not available.