Table 1

Characteristics of study participants according to pain category

Demographic and clinical variablesSub-classificationMild pain
N (%)
Moderate pain
N (%)
Severe pain
N (%)
Age (years)Median (IQR)3 (1–8)3 (1–6)3 (1–6)
TBSA (%)Median (IQR)1 (1–1)1 (1–2)1 (1–2)
Time to QCH (days)Median (1QR)3 (0–5)3 (0–4)3 (0.5–3)
Male862 (73.6)292 (24.9)18 (1.5)
Female615 (73.1)212 (25.2)14 (1.7)
Indigenous status
Not indigenous1319 (73)459 (25.4)30 (1.7)
ATSI122 (75.8)37 (23.0)2 (1.2)
Missing data 44 (2.2)
Burn mechanism
Scald620 (71.5)234 (27.0)13 (1.5%)
Contact675 (74.7)217 (24.0)12 (1.3)
Flame55 (68.8)22 (27.5)3 (3.8)
Friction66 (75.9)20 (23.0)1 (1.1)
Chemical26 (83.87)3 (9.68)2 (6.45)
Cooling5 (71.43)2 (28.57)0
Radiant heat30 (81.1)6 (16.2)1 (2.7)
Burn depth
Superficial110 (90.9)11 (9.1)0
Superficial partial-thickness1164 (75.6)355 (23)21 (1.4)
Deep dermal partial-thickness180 (56.8)126 (39.7)11 (3.5)
Full thickness23 (65.7)12 (34.3)0
Adequate first aid
Yes958 (72.0)351 (26.4)22 (1.6)
No48 (80)12 (20)0
Undocumented cooling time471 (75.7)141 (22.7)10 (1.6)
Ambulance transport
Yes354 (70.5)138 (27.5)10 (2.0)
No1123 (74.3)366 (24.2)22 (1.5)
Anatomical location burned
Upper limb289 (71)108 (26.5)10 (2.5)
Lower limb272 (72.9)98 (26.3)3 (0.8)
Hand567 (70.7)220 (27.4)15 (1.9)
Foot153 (66.2)74 (32)4 (1.7)
Head/neck171 (73.7)54 (23.3)7 (3.0)
Back62 (74.7)18 (21.7)3 (3.6)
Chest/breast186 (68.4)80 (29.4)6 (2.2)
Abdomen120 (69)48 (27.6)6 (3.4)
Perineum19 (73.1)6 (23.1)1 (3.8)
Buttocks27 (69.2)11 (28.2)1 (2.6)
Face/scalp17 (70.8)7 (29.2)0
No of anatomical regions burned
11171 (76.2)349 (22.7)17 (1.1)
2221 (66.4)102 (30.6)10 (3.0)
374 (62.2)43 (36.1)2 (1.7)
4+11 (45.8)10 (41.7)3 (12.5)
Required analgesia
Ibuprofen837 (66.3)401 (31.8)24 (1.9)
Paracetamol1023 (67.4)463 (30.5)31 (2.0)
Oxycodone811 (64.9)411 (32.9)28 (2.2)
Midazolam7 (36.8)12 (63.2)0
Nitrous oxide5 (22.7)14 (63.6)3 (13.6)
Fentanyl9 (33.3)14 (51.9)4 (14.8)
Sucrose (infants and neonates)8 (80)2 (20)0
Burns OPD referral source
QCH ED550 (76)163 (22.5)11 (1.5)
Other hospital785 (70.1)316 (28.2)19 (1.7)
Self-referral24 (80)4 (13.3)2 (6.7)
General practitioner91 (84.3)17 (15.7)0
Other27 (87.1)4 (12.9)0
Baseline pain (0–10 scale)Median (IQR)0 (0–0)0 (0–0)0 (0–0)
Peak pain (0–10 scale)Median (IQR)1 (0–1)3 (3–4)8 (7–9.8)
  • N, number of participants; TBSA, total body surface area; OPD, outpatient department; QCH, Queensland Children’s Hospital; ED, emergency department.