Table 2

Characteristics of patients with intracranial abscess associated with neuraxial block

Intracranial abscess: patient characteristicsTotal: 6n
Age (years), median (IQR)32.0 (24.3–65.3)6
Sex (male, female), n (%)1 (16.7), 5 (83.3)6
ASA physical status, n (%)4
 Class 10 (0.0)
 Class 23 (50.0)
 Class 30 (0.0)
 Class 41 (16.7)
 Missing2 (33.3)
Neuraxial technique6
 Spinal anesthesia4 (66.7)
 Epidural catheter1 (16.7)
 Spinal catheter1 (16.7)
Report of complicated puncture2
 No difficult puncture2 (33.3)
 Missing4 (66.7)
 Obstetric: cesarian section4 (66.7)
 Pain management1 (16.7)
 Minor orthopedic1 (16.7)
Time point of complication*6
 During puncture0 (0.0)
 During treatment1 (16.7)
 After removal of catheter1 (16.7)
 After spinal anesthesia4 (66.7)
 Pain (headache/neck pain) (present, absent, missing)5 (83.3), 1 (16.7), 0 (0.0)6
 PDPH (present, absent, missing)2 (33.3), 1 (16.7), 3 (50.0)3
 Seizures (present, absent, missing)1 (16.7), 2 (33.3), 3 (50.0)3
 Aphasia/dysarthria (present, absent, missing)1 (16.7), 1 (16.7), 4 (66.7)2
 Visual disturbance (present, absent, missing)1 (16.7), 2 (33.3), 3 (50.0)3
 Vomiting/nausea/dizziness (present, absent, missing)0 (0.0), 2 (33.3), 4 (66.7)2
 Drowsy/disorientation (present, absent, missing)1 (16.7), 1 (16.7), 4 (66.7)2
 Fever (present, absent, missing)5 (83.3), 0 (0.0), 1 (16.7)5
Treatment, n (%)6
 Conservative2 (33.3)
 Neurosurgical decompression4 (66.7)
Recovery after treatment, n (%)6
 Full recovery4 (66.7)
 Delayed but full recovery0 (0.0)
 Partial recovery0 (0.0)
 No recovery0 (0.0)
 Death2 (33.3)
  • *‘During puncture’: symptoms during/directly after puncture, including epidural analgesia, SCS, continuous spinal anesthesia (spinal catheter) and failed regional techniques; ‘during drug administration’: when drugs were administered through a catheter or treatment with SCS was ongoing; ‘after removal of catheter’: if catheter or SCS was removed.

  • ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists; n, cases with available data on specific parameter; PDPH, postdural puncture headache; SCS, spinal cord stimulator.