Table 3

Regression results using peripheral nerve block (PNB) dose in bupivacaine equivalents (BE) mg kg−1 as the dependent variable

VariableEstimate95% CI
(LL to UL)
Cohen’s ƒP value
(Intercept)2.19(2.14 to 2.24)
Weight (kg)−0.06(−0.06 to 0.06)0.3<0.001
Age (years)0.002(0.001 to 0.003)0.030.032
Ropivacaine−0.18(−0.19 to 0.14)0.15<0.001
Block type0.27<0.001
Institution B−0.87(−0.92 to 0.81)<0.001
Institution C−0.39(−0.48 to 0.29)<0.001
Institution D−1.15(−1.22 to 1.09)<0.001
Institution E−0.79(−0.84 to 0.73)<0.001
Institution F−0.39(−0.48 to 0.29)<0.001
Institution G−0.38(−0.45 to 0.31)<0.001
Institution H−1.06(−1.17 to 0.94)<0.001
Institution I−0.5(−0.61 to 0.40)<0.001
Institution J−0.24(−0.31 to 0.18)<0.001
Institution K−0.94(−1.02 to 0.86)<0.001
Institution L−0.31(−0.38 to 0.24)<0.001
Institution N−0.65(−0.73 to 0.57)<0.001
Institution O−0.66(−0.72 to 0.61)<0.001
Institution P−0.79(−0.85 to 0.74)<0.001
Institution Q−0.82(−0.9 to 0.74)<0.001
Institution R−1.06(−1.11 to 0.99)<0.001
Institution S−0.88(−0.94 to 0.83)<0.001
Institution T−1.12(−1.17 to 1.07)<0.001
Institution V−0.95(−1.0 to 0.89)<0.001
Institution W−0.68(−0.74 to 0.63)<0.001
Institution X−0.78(−0.83 to 0.72)<0.001
IL/IH−0.31(−0.33 to 0.29)<0.001
Interscalene−0.001(−0.03 to 0.01)0.5
 Penile−0.16(−0.19 to 0.14)<0.001
 Popliteal−0.001(−0.03 to 0.01)0.32
Rectus sheath−0.13(−0.15 to 0.11)<0.001
 Saphenous−0.38(−0.4 to 0.36)<0.001
 Sciatic−0.02(−0.04 to 0.002)0.03
Supraclavicular−0.08(−0.1 to 0.06)<0.001
 TAP−0.21(−0.23 to 0.2)<0.001
  • Residual SE: 0.42 on 34 480 degrees of freedom.

  • Multiple R-squared: 0.2816, F-statistic: 409.5 and 34 480 DF, p value: <0.0001.

  • The estimate is the coefficient in the model. BE in mg kg−1 can be estimated as 2.18+(−0.006×weight)+(0.002×age)+(−0.18×LA dose if ropivacaine) plus the coefficients for institution and block type. Institution and block type are summarized in the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) model.

  • LL and UL indicate the lower and upper limits of a 95% CI, respectively. Cohen’s ƒ estimate based on one-way ANOVA using the a priori chosen variables age, weight, local anesthetic, block type and institution. Cohen’s ƒ effect sizes of 0.1, 0.25 and 0.4 correspond to explained variance of 1%, 6% and 14%.

  • IL/IH, ilioinguinal/iliohypogastric; LA, local anesthetic; TAP, transverse abdominis plane.