Service | Description and comments | Requirements | Common applicable codes | Medicare average reimbursement (non-facility) |
Telehealth visits |
Audio-only E/M services |
Virtual check-in |
E-visits |
*Adapted and modified from Accessed April 30, 2020. For Medicare and Medicaid and commercial insurers, please check on coding and billing requirements including modifiers and place of service identification.
†The Department of Health and Human Services, under the 1135 waiver authority and Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act, announced a policy of enforcement discretion for Medicare telehealth services and audits will not be conducted to ensure the prior patient relationship requirement exists.
‡Reimbursement prior to the CMS expansion of telehealth on April 30, 2020.51
CMS, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; E/M, evaluation and management.