Table 1

Livestream viewership by session for each platform and in aggregate as of 28 April 2020

DateTitleTwitter @ASRA_SocietyTwitter @dr_rajguptaFacebook @ASRAYouTube
20 April 2020 ABSTRACTS Day 1 - Discussing %23AcutePain Abstracts from %23ASRASpring20 with @ASRA_Society. Come Join the conversation! 42011725263202118
21 April 2020 ABSTRACTS Day 2 - Join @dr_rajgupta, @nelkassabany, @rljohnsonmd, & @emarianomd as we discuss %23RegionalAnesthesia Abstracts from %23ASRASpring20! LIVE at 3 pm EST on 4/20.3386086021421548
22 April 2020 ABSTRACTS Day 3 - Talking about some of the Medically Challenging Case Abstracts from %23ASRASpring20. @ASRA_Society @ESRA_Society @dr_rajgupta @nelkassabany @jattarab 3324021300612034
23 April 2020 ABSTRACTS Day 4 - We're talking about ESP blocks LIVE! Come join @ASRA_Society for %23ASRASpring20 abstracts! @dr_rajgupta @nelkassabany @KiJinnChin @Ropivacaine 4476513541211452
24 April 2020 ABSTRACTS Day 5 - Join our amazing @ASRA_Society Faculty as we discuss the Best of Meeting Abstracts from %23ASRASpring20. @dr_rajgupta @NarouzeMD @SLKoppMD @megrosenblatt 254546301921101
27 April 2020 ABSTRACTS Day 6 - We're LIVE now! Discussing %23POCUS abstracts from the @ASRA_Society %23ASRASpring20 Meeting. Share! @KalagaraHari @shaskinsMD @JanBoublikMDPhD @dr_melissabyrne 42772566138411813
  • Videos are enduring content online; therefore, viewership numbers can increase over time.

  • ASRA, American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine; RAPP, Regional Anesthesia and Pain Podcast.