Table 2

Ultrasound-guided maxillary nerve block approaches with probe and needle entry, advancement and redirection

Needle approachUltrasound probe placementInitial needle entryNeedle advancementNeedle redirection
Posterior infrazygomatic, in-plane1 3 Below zygomatic process, just anterior to mandibular condylePosterior to anterior;
lateral to medial
Through LPM to area just above LPPNone
Anterior infrazygomatic, in plane6 Below zygomatic process, at the uppermost part of the LPPAnterior to posterior;
lateral to medial
Through LPM into anterior border of top of LPPWithdrawn and reoriented medially to advance 1–2 mm into PPF
Suprazygomatic, out of plane4 7 10 Below zygomatic process, over the maxilla at 45° of inclination in frontal and horizontal planesPerpendicular to skin at frontozygomatic angle in suprazygomatic areaThe greater wing of the sphenoid was contacted at 20 mm depthWithdrawn and reoriented and advanced 35–45 mm deep into PPF
  • LPM, lateral pterygoid muscle; LPP, lateral pterygoid plate; PPF, pterygopalatine fossa.