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Background and Aims Ultrasound use is expanding our anaesthetic practice in obstetrics for both diagnostic and interventional purposes. These include scans for central neuraxial blockade, truncal blockade and finally focussed point-of-care ultrasound scans (POCUS). We aimed to design and deliver a practical course to enhance knowledge and skills in these areas.
Methods Our course consisted of a series of lectures and corresponding small-group workshops which covered the topics in table 1.
The course included candidates of all training grades in the UK (figure 1).
Candidates represented eight large NHS Trusts in South East England (figure 2).
Results We achieved a 100% response rate to our post-course evaluation survey (18/18). All attendees gave global positive feedback about our multi-dimensional educational tool for the use of this technology in obstetric anaesthesia. The majority of candidates expressed more interest in workshops and hands-on training.
Conclusions Ultrasound technology is enriching obstetric anaesthesia with diagnostic and interventional techniques which are invaluable for parturients with multiple comorbidities or trauma victims. National anaesthetic training programme in the UK training modules for obstetric anaesthesia should strive to recognise the use of ultrasound as an integral part of this complex subspecialty.