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42 Preparing intrathecal opioid injectate, a ‘tip’ for success
  1. J Worthington,
  2. A Allan and
  3. K Khanna
  1. Great Western Hospital, Swindon, UK


Background and Aims The technique of drawing up opioids for spinal anaesthesia can lead to error. We identified stages in the process which could be overlooked by the anaesthetist causing inadvertent overdosing or underdosing of opioids. This error is usually made by inclusion of residual fluid in the tip of the syringe, due to withdrawing the opioid in the 1 ml syringe (figure 1a) rather than injecting (figure 1b). The tip contains 0.05–0.07 mls, of greatest significance when dealing with small and concentrated amounts of opioid. We aimed to survey the department to identify the proportion of anaesthetists that were using a technique leading to inadvertent error.

Methods We identified fifty-seven anaesthetists in the department and surveyed their process of drawing up drugs for intrathecal injection. The main focus of the survey was the technique used to transfer the opioid into the spinal syringe injectate including the use of the filter needle.

Results Data was captured from 47/57 anaesthetists, the majority consultants. 40% of the department were administering a dose error of spinal fentanyl. 35% of the department were administering a dose error of spinal morphine and diamorphine. The filter needle was used inappropriately in 14% of cases.

Conclusions Precision is essential in regional anaesthesia when using small and concentrated amounts of opioid in the injectate, therefore the inclusion of the amount in the tip can lead to significant dose error. We presented the results and re-educated the department in our clinical governance meeting.

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