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196 Innovative and hi-fidelity simulator for fascial plane blocks
  1. P Fusco1,
  2. GM Petroni2,
  3. S Tullj2,
  4. V Arcangeli2,
  5. G Balestra2 and
  6. F Marinangeli2
  1. 1Ospedale San Salvatore, L’Aquila, Italy
  2. 2University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy


Background and Aims Ultrasound guided regional anesthesia (UGRA) is an invasive procedure that involves complex motor skills.1 As ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia (UGRA) represents the gold standard for performing regional blocks, there is a need for learning the technical skills associated with this technique.2,3

Methods We developed a innovative and high-fidelity system simulator for ultrasound-guided fascia blocks based on real ultrasound images, named Block Sim™, made by Accurate.

Results Block Sim allows us to practice on: anterior thoracic wall blocks [PECS I, PECS II, serratus plane block and parasternal block (figure 1)], paraneuraxial nerve blocks (Paravertebral block and erector spine plane block (ESP), and abdominal wall blocks (transversus abdominis plane block (TAP), quadratus lumborum block (QLB I e II). Thanks to the ultrasound probe software, this new simulation system allows the physician to view real ultrasound images. Users can move the ultrasound probe in different directions on the available insert and observe a coherent real-time modification of the scene. Users can also perform a simulated injection of the local anesthetic, using an external syringe, when the tip of the needle is inside of the fascia.The user can practice and develop competency using simulation scenarios based on real clinical images and, at the end of the procedure, an indicative global score will be given to the user based on his performance.

Abstract 196 Figure 1

B real Ultrasound images C,D BlockSim’ s images

Conclusions We believe that the use of simulators is very important, first of all for patient safety, and for anesthetists who can finally make mistakes to learn.

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