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OP059 Investigation of the frequency of chronic pain development after thoracotomy
  1. Ferda Yaman1,
  2. Dilek Cetinkaya1,
  3. Ilker Ugurlu2 and
  4. Erhan Durceylan3
  1. 1Department of Anaesthesiology and Reanimation, University of Eskişehir Osmangazi, ESKİŞEHİR, Turkey
  2. 2Anaesthesiology and Reanimation Clinic, Ministry of Health Mustafakemalpasa Hospital, BURSA, Turkey
  3. 3Department of Thoracic surgery, University of Eskişehir Osmangazi, ESKİŞEHİR, Turkey


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Background and Aims Chronic post-thoracotomy pain is defined as persistent pain for at least two months after thoracic surgery that is a complication and may affect quality of life. The aim of this study was to investigate the pain of patients who have undergone thoracotomy in the last year to determine the incidence of patients with chronic pain, as a descriptive study.

Methods In this retrospective observational study, with ethics committee approval (2023/61), a list of patients who were operated on between 15 June 2022-15 June 2023 were recruited. Patients who had been thoracotomy on for at least 3 months were included in the study. Age, gender, height, weight, history of surgery that would affect chronic pain, postoperative pain management and complications were recorded from the patients‘ files. The data information was obtained by contacting the patients by phone.

Results Thoracotomy was performed on 70 patients during a 1-year period. Out of 70 patients, 56 patients, 17 women and 49 men, could be contacted. The rate of patients feeling pain 3 months after surgery was 54.5%. The rate of patients stating that it affects their daily activities and they have to use medication is 51.5%. It was determined that the rate of those who had taken medication on their own was 64.7%, while the rate of those who used medication after consulting a doctor was 11.8%.

Conclusions Chronic pain is still a common complication of thoracic surgery, which can significantly impact patient’s daily life. The high incidence of chronic pain after thoracotomy cannot be ignored.

  • Chronic postthoracotomy pain
  • chronic pain.

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