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P075 Awake upper limb plastic surgery list – evaluation of a well established service shows good patient satisfaction and time efficiency
  1. Marion Ashe,
  2. Karim Mukhtar and
  3. Lisa Murtagh
  1. Anaesthetics, Mersey and West Lancashire NHS Trust, Liverpool, UK


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Background and Aims Undertaking procedures under regional anaesthesia (RA) avoids the risks, side effects and longer recovery associated with general anaesthesia (GA). There is a regular upper limb plastic surgery list at Whiston Hospital where patients have procedures under RA alone with no sedation, predominantly a brachial plexus block plus targeted forearm blocks.

Methods Data has been collected (with audit department approval) from a six month period in 2023, including timings, operations, type of blocks, and follow up patient satisfaction questionnaires. Theatre timings were also recorded for patients having GA for similar procedures on alternate lists over the same period.

Results Patient questionnaires showed 78% rated the experience a maximum 5/5 and would recommend. There was no nausea or vomiting, and 100% felt their concerns were addressed and understood the information (table 1). Comparing timings, patients having RA had less time between arrival in the anaesthetic room and operation starting than GA, and much shorter time between operation finishing and returning to the ward (table 2).

Conclusions A dedicated list under RA allows for streamlining of processes and better patient preparation. There is a perception that patients prefer GA but our satisfaction data shows that RA is favourable when well prepared. Our timings data demonstrates that even for a teaching list, patients can be ready for surgery quicker on average than with a GA. With no need for step-down recovery, they return to the ward quicker allowing for earlier discharge home.

Abstract P075 Table 1

Patient experiences of regional anaesthesia

Abstract P075 Table 2

theatre efficiency

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