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#36262 Bier blocks in ambulatory surgery: a wellcomed comeback or old news?
  1. Maria José de Barros e Castro Bento Soares1,
  2. Joana van der Kellen2 and
  3. Paula Ribeiro1
  1. 1Anestesia, Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Ocidental, Lisbon, Portugal
  2. 2Anestesia, Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Ocidental, Lisboa, France


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Background and Aims Intravenous regional anesthesia, commonly known as Bier Block (BB), consists of administering a local anesthetic into the venous system of an exsanguinated limb that is isolated from the systemic circulation by a tourniquet. It is a simple technique that does not require the use of an ultrasound device, provides a blockade that is quickly installed and reversed and a surgical field with minimal blood loss. For this reasons it has a lot o potencial in ambulatory surgery.

Methods We gathered perioperative information concerning every adult patient that was subjected to a BB in Egas Moniz Hospital’s Ambulatory Surgery Unit between the january first 2022 ant March 30th 2023. The data was analyzed using Microsoft Excel®.

Results A total of 11 patients underwent surgery under BB. The duration of the surgical procedure was less than 60 min in 8 of the surgeries and lasted between 60-90 min in the remaining 3. No complications were registered, namely LAST or pain associated with tourniquet. Discharge time after surgery was on average 147 minutes after surgery. Only 5 patients had pain 24h after surgery, and all were able to control the pain with oral analgesics. No patient had pain 48h after surgery.

Conclusions Intravenous regional anesthesia has a high potential to be used in an outpatient setting, as it allows adequate anesthesia for short-term surgeries and is rapidly reversed, allowing the limb to be mobilized before discharge.

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  • Bier Block
  • ambulatory surgery
  • Intravenous regional anesthesia

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