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EP230 Intravenous ibuprofen vs dexketoprofen for postoperative pain: efficacy and the possible adverse effects
  1. Pereda González Elvira,
  2. Pérez Marí Violeta,
  3. Delgado Navarro Carlos,
  4. Santiago Patterson Pablo,
  5. Marqués Peiró Ferrán and
  6. De Andrés Ibáñez José
  1. Anestesiología, Reanimación y Terapia del dolor, Hospital General Universitario de Valencia, Valencia, Spain


Background and Aims Recent studies show that multimodal analgesia may be the best approach to acute postoperative pain control1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) provide effective analgesia and have shown to reduce the opioids consumption2. Despite their analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties, NSAIDs use is associated with gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and renal risk. Intravenous (IV) ibuprofen presents a better safety profile than other NSAIDs and fewer associated adverse effects (AEs) while maintaining adequate analgesic profile.

Methods 60 patients scheduled for hip surgery (demographic characteristics: Table 1) were enrolled in this retrospective observational study and divided in two groups based in postoperative treatment: IV dexketoprofen 50mg TID (n=30) or an IV ibuprofen 600mg TID (n=30). The main objective was to assess postoperative pain with: the visual analog scale (VAS), the quality of postoperative recovery with the Quallity-of-Recovery-15 (QoR-15) score, and on-demand morphine requirements after two days. The incidence of AEs was also studied.

Results VASs, QoR-15 and required morphine dose are summarized in table 2. A statistically significant T-student test was obtained when comparing QoR-15 scores (p=0.018). Greater increases in creatinine levels, digestive AEs and mean arterial pressure were observed in the dexketoprofen group (table 3), obtaining significant results in the T-student in the case of creatinine levels increase (p=0.011).

Abstract EP230 Table 1

Demographic characteristics

Abstract EP230 Table 2


Abstract EP230 Table 3

Adverse effects

Conclusions IV ibuprofen shows a favorable security profile resulting in fewer AEs3 compared to subjects who received IV dexketoprofen with equivalent acute postoperative pain control. This drug may be safely given as a component of a multimodal management strategy, especially in those patients at risk of kidney function impairment.

  • Acute postoperative pain
  • Ibuprofen
  • efficacy
  • adverse events

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