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B407 Pork belly as a medium for teaching us guided venous access and needling
  1. N Elahi
  1. University College London Hospital, London, UK


Background and Aims The use of ultrasound in clinical practice is growing. However, when teaching US guided needling and venous access, providing hands on practice can be challenging. We tested various commonly available substances to ascertain suitability for use in teaching US guided techniques.

Methods We chose to test the suitability of 3 substances (pork belly, tofu and chicken breast) for use in practice of US guided venous access and needling.

The substances were assessed for 1) Ease of insertion of giving set/epidural infusion catheter (using tuohy needle)

2) Quality of US image

3) Ease of insertion of needles

The giving set/epidural infusion catheters were connected to bags of saline with red dye added to create a target for cannulation or for avoiding when practicing needling. The target audience for the teaching sessions was junior doctors (first and second year).

Results 1) Pork belly provided the highest quality US images, likely due to its multi-layered nature. It was also robust on needling/cannulation once giving set had been inserted but it was somewhat challenging to insert due to the toughness of the tissue in its uncooked state.

2) Tofu provided good US penetration but was almost impossible to insert giving set or needle into it without disintegration.

3) Chicken breast performed moderately in all of the categories assessed, however due its limited size we found it unsuitable.

The teaching session was very well received by the candidates.

Conclusions Pork belly provides an effect tissue medium for practicing US guided venous access and needling.

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