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B287 Caudal analgesia and opioid requirements in bilateral salter osteotomies
  1. M Sharapi1,
  2. J Vinagre2 and
  3. C Holmes2
  1. 1Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
  2. 2Temple street University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland


Background and Aims Bilateral Salter’s Osteotomy is surgery to re-angle the acetabulum and get the femoral heads to sit well in joint for children who presented late with dysplastic hips or failed conservative management. Caudal analgesia is the standard analgesia protocol for pain management in this category of children. In our hospital. This retrospective observational study aimed to link the dose per kilogram of 0.25% levobupivacaine in caudal analgesia for bilateral Salter osteotomies and postoperative opioid intake. This information might subsequently determine the optimal caudal analgesic dose per kilogram for this commonly conducted elective operation, reducing the risks of overdosing or underdosing. The data will help us develop the best practices for a new salter osteotomy protocol.

Methods For over a year in 2019, we looked for bilateral Salter osteotomies at our hospital (xxx, xxx) and found 118 cases (92 had caudal block). The patient‘s weight, caudal analgesia dose, adjuvants, and opioid use in the first 24 hours following anaesthesia induction were evaluated.

Results The dose of levobupivacaine was 0.25% in caudal analgesia. The morphine equivalents required in the first 24 hours did not exhibit any significant link in 92 cases with a caudal block. As a result, we could not use these findings to guide recommendations for managing Salter’s osteotomy in our day case.

Conclusions In our hospital, the caudal block is the standard method of regional analgesia for osteotomies. In this trial (per Kg), we found no evidence that total perioperative morphine is related to levobupivacaine dose.

Abstract B287 Table 1

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