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ESRA19-0024 Interventional treatment with peripheral nerve blocks can positively influence chronic sciatic pain resistant to standard analgesic treatment
  1. V Vrsajkov1,
  2. M Lukić-Šarkanović2 and
  3. N Ilić2
  1. 1Clinical Centre of Vojvodina, Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Novi Sad, Serbia
  2. 2Clinical Centre of Vojvodina, Clinic of Anesthesia-Intensive Care and Pain Therapy, Novi Sad, Serbia


Background and aims Substantial increase in understanding of complex nature of neuropathic low back pain still not able to achieve satisfactory pain relief for more than 50% of patients on standard pharmacological therapy. the goal of our study was to evaluate therapeutic role of peripheral nerve blocks in reduction of pain in patients with chronic sciatic pain.

Methods We obtained data from 48 patients treated between November 2013 and 2016. Every patient had insufficient reduction of pain after no less than 2 months of pharmacological treatment and significant problems with physical therapy. Patients received local anesthetic (0.125% levobupivacaine) for every peripheral nerve block and corticosteroid (betamethasone) for last block. Pain was assessed by the use of numeric pain rating scale (NPRS), with range 0–10. Pain was evaluated before the application, 3–5 days after the first block and 4 weeks after the end of treatment.

Results Our patients were 56.55 ± 12.97 years old. Chronic sciatic pain and failed back surgery syndrome were the main reasons for lower back pain. Peripheral neural block was made between 3 and 6 times with mean 3.28 ± 1.04 per patient. Mean pain score on NR scale before intervention was 8.32 ± 1.40. Wilcoxon signed rank test showed statistically significant differences between pain score before treatment and 3–5 days after the first block (p=0.000) and 4 weeks after the last block (p=0.000).

Conclusions As conclusion we can emphasize strong potential of peripheral nerve blockade in treatment of low back pain, especially for patients refractory to pharmacological therapy.

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