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Three-Dimensional, Multiplanar, Ultrasound-Guided, Radial Nerve Block
  1. Gillian L. Foxall, M.A., M.B., Ch.B., F.R.C.A.,
  2. Jonathan G. Hardman, B.Med.Sci., B.M., B.S., D.M., F.A.N.Z.C.A., F.R.C.A. and
  3. Nigel M. Bedforth, B.Med.Sci., B.M., B.S., F.R.C.A.
  1. Department of Anaesthesia, Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham, United Kingdom
  2. University Department of Anaesthesia, Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham, United Kingdom
  1. Reprint requests: Jonathan Hardman, B.Med.Sci., B.M., B.S., D.M., F.A.N.Z.C.A., F.R.C.A., University Department of Anaesthesia, Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham NG7 2UH, United Kingdom. E-mail: J.Hardman{at}


Objective: We describe the use of 3-dimensional, multiplanar ultrasound imaging for peripheral nerve block.

Case Report: To illustrate the potential usefulness of the technique, we present a case in which real-time 3-dimensional, multiplanar ultrasound was used to assist in the performance of a radial nerve block.

Conclusions: Three-dimensional, multiplanar ultrasound in real-time has the potential to improve nerve identification and accuracy of needle placement in regional anesthesia.

  • Three-dimensional ultrasound
  • Radial nerve block
  • Regional anesthesia

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