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Two different techniques of subarachnoid administration of L-bupivacaine 0,5% solution: their effect on the extent of neural blockade: 226.


  • A Louizos Anaesthesiology Department- Hippokration General, Hospital of Athens, Greece. Vas, Sofias av. 114, Athens, Greece. Pavlou Bakoyianni 68, 15235, Vrilissia, Athens, Greece Greece PubMed articlesGoogle scholar articles
  • Th Papavasilopoulou Anaesthesiology Department- Hippokration General, Hospital of Athens, Greece. Vas, Sofias av. 114, Athens, Greece. Pavlou Bakoyianni 68, 15235, Vrilissia, Athens, Greece Greece PubMed articlesGoogle scholar articles
  • I Kouroukli Anaesthesiology Department- Hippokration General, Hospital of Athens, Greece. Vas, Sofias av. 114, Athens, Greece. Pavlou Bakoyianni 68, 15235, Vrilissia, Athens, Greece Greece PubMed articlesGoogle scholar articles
  • Ch Koraka Anaesthesiology Department- Hippokration General, Hospital of Athens, Greece. Vas, Sofias av. 114, Athens, Greece. Pavlou Bakoyianni 68, 15235, Vrilissia, Athens, Greece Greece PubMed articlesGoogle scholar articles
  • A Economou Anaesthesiology Department- Hippokration General, Hospital of Athens, Greece. Vas, Sofias av. 114, Athens, Greece. Pavlou Bakoyianni 68, 15235, Vrilissia, Athens, Greece Greece PubMed articlesGoogle scholar articles


Louizos A, Papavasilopoulou T, Kouroukli I, et al
Two different techniques of subarachnoid administration of L-bupivacaine 0,5% solution: their effect on the extent of neural blockade: 226.
Online issue publication 
December 13, 2018

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