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Prospective Comparison of Continuous Femoral Nerve Block with Nonstimulating Catheter Placement Versus Stimulating Catheter-Guided Perineural Placement in Volunteers


  1. Reprint requests: Francis V. Salinas, M.D., Department of Anesthesiology, Virginia Mason Medical Center, 1100 9th Ave., B2-AN, Seattle, WA 98101 USA. E-mail: anefvs{at}


Salinas FV, Neal JM, Sueda LA, et al
Prospective Comparison of Continuous Femoral Nerve Block with Nonstimulating Catheter Placement Versus Stimulating Catheter-Guided Perineural Placement in Volunteers

Publication history

  • First published May 1, 2004.
Online issue publication 
February 27, 2019

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