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Assessment of Lower Extremity Nerve Block
  1. Joseph M. Neal, M.D.
  1. From the Department of Anesthesiology, Virginia Mason Medical Center, Seattle, Washington.


Background and Objectives Successful performance of lower-extremity regional anesthesia includes sensory and/or motor block assessment of up to 4 major peripheral nerves. This brief report describes a methodology for the rapid evaluation of lower-extremity anesthesia before surgical incision.

Methods Illustrations highlight the techniques for evaluation of sciatic, obturator, lateral femoral cutaneous, and femoral nerve anesthesia. This methodology is based on a Four P’s acronym: push, pull, pinch, punt.

Conclusions Accurate assessment of lower-extremity regional anesthesia can be achieved rapidly using The Four Ps evaluation tool.

  • Femoral block
  • Lower-extremity nerve block
  • Sciatic block

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  • David L. Brown, M.D., served as Editor-In-Chief for this manuscript.

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