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Repeated Psoas Compartment Blocks for the Management of Long-Standing Hip Pain
  1. T. Goroszeniuk, F.C.A., R.C.S.I. and
  2. P. P. di Vadi, M.D.
  1. From the Pain Management Centre, Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital Trust (T.G.), London; and the Department of Anaesthetics and Pain Management, University Hospital Lewisham (P.P.d.V.), London, United Kingdom.
  1. Reprint requests: T. Goroszeniuk, F.C.A., R.C.S.I., Consultant Anaesthetist, Pain Management Center, Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital, Lambeth Palace Rd, London SE1 7EH, England, UK.


Background and Objectives The psoas compartment block is used to produce analgesia of the lumbar plexus mainly for hip and knee surgery. It has also been used for the management of a long-standing pain due to hip joint degeneration.

Case Report A 55-year-old woman with severe left hip pain received repetitive psoas compartment blocks over 18 months. The blocks provided her with effective pain control. The quality and duration of the block was improved by the addition of opioid to the local anesthetic.

Conclusion We successfully performed repeated psoas compartment blocks with a local anesthetic and subsequently with added opioids, which produced substantial pain relief, especially after the addition of opioids.

  • Psoas compartment
  • Regional anaesthesia
  • Hip pain

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