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Lumbar Spine Pain Originating From Vertebral Osteophytes
  1. Tim J. Lamer, M.D.
  1. Reprint requests: Tim J. Lamer, M.D., Division of Pain Medicine, Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, 4500 San Pablo Road, Jacksonville, FL 32224.


Background and Objectives. Axial spine pain originates from a number of structures. Putative pain generators include facet joints, intervertebral disks, sacroiliac joints, and myofascial structures. Osteophytes originating from lumbar vertebral bodies in the area of the intervertebral disks may be a source of nociceptive low back pain which may respond to local injection.

Methods. Five patients with axial low back pain unresponsive to traditional treatment modalities were treated with fluoroscopic guided injection of local anesthetic and corticosteroid near large intervertebral osteophytes.

Results. All 5 patients experienced relief.

Conclusion. Vertebral osteophytes may be a source of axial spine pain. Injection of painful osteophytes with a local anesthetic and corticosteroid solution may produce pain relief.

  • back pain
  • vertebral osteophyte
  • spine injection.

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  • From the Division of Pain Medicine, Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, Jacksonville, Florida.