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Case Reports
Successful Epidural Anesthesia in a Patient With an Arachnoid Cyst, Preeclampsia, and Triplets
Background and Objectives Arachnoid cysts are a frequent finding on magnetic resonance imaging: however, the use of major conduction anesthesia in patients with these cysts has not been reported.
Methods Epidural anesthesia was used in a parturient with a triplet pregnancy preeclampsia, and a documented arachnoid cyst extending from T11 to L1.
Results Epidural anesthesia was successfully used in this high-risk patient, and airway manipulation, which would have been difficult in this patient, was thereby avoided.
Conclusions Arachnoid cysts are not a contraindication to major conduction anesthesia, as is confirmed by a review of arachnoid cysts and anesthetic considerations.
- epidural analgesia
- arachnoid cyst
- preeclampsia
- triplet pregnancy