Table of contents
July 1996 - Volume 21 - 4
- A Comparison between Mepivacaine-Clonidine and Mepivacaine-Fentanyl for Pediatric Regional Anesthesia
- Anesthetic techniques and thromboembolism in patients undergoing hip surgical repair and receiving low moleclar weight heparin
- Book Review
- Case Reports
- Clonidine Added to Bupivacaine for Brachial Plexus Aneasthesia
- Combination of Low Dose Intrathecal Sufentanil and Clonidine for Obstetric Analgesia
- Diaphragmatic Motion and Respiratory Function During Cervical Epidural Anaesthesia(CEA)
- Dural Puncture Increases the Cephalad CSF Spread of Epidural Morphine in Sheep
- Editorial
- Factors Associated with Hypotension and Bradycardia after Epidural Anesthesia
- Hemodynamic effects of subarachnoid blockade
- Postoperative Epidural Analgesia
- Letters to the Editor
- Local Anaesthesia for Eye Surgery
- Management of Tetanus with Epidural Anaesthesia
- Modeling of a safety threshold for remifentanil as adjunct to locoregional anesthesia
- Original Articles
- Postoperative Epidural Analgesia
- Preemptive Intercostal Nerve Block With Bupivacaine Prevents Acute Postoperative Pain
- Review Article
- Ropivacaine compared to bupivacaine for epidural labour analgesia
- Selected Abstracts
- Selected ISRA Abstracts International Symposium on Regional Anesthesia and Pain Management
- Spinal Analgesia in First Stage of Labour. Different drug combinations
- Spinal Anesthesia with Plain Bupivacaine
- Subarachnoid Microcatheter Anesthesia in Small Children
- The Importance of Spinal Opioids and Local Anesthetics in the Treatment of Cancer Pain
- The local anaesthetic sparing effect of intrathecal alfentanil in the elderly
- Total Knee Replacement And Postoperative In Hospital Stay
- Transdermal Clonidine Relieves the Pain of Ischemia due to Vascular Insufficiency
A Comparison between Mepivacaine-Clonidine and Mepivacaine-Fentanyl for Pediatric Regional Anesthesia
Anesthetic techniques and thromboembolism in patients undergoing hip surgical repair and receiving low moleclar weight heparin
Book Review
- Management of Migraine (1 July, 1996)
Case Reports
- Unexpected Neurologic Deficit Following Spinal Anesthesia (1 July, 1996)
- Pseudo-spinal Headache (1 July, 1996)
Clonidine Added to Bupivacaine for Brachial Plexus Aneasthesia
Combination of Low Dose Intrathecal Sufentanil and Clonidine for Obstetric Analgesia
Diaphragmatic Motion and Respiratory Function During Cervical Epidural Anaesthesia(CEA)
Dural Puncture Increases the Cephalad CSF Spread of Epidural Morphine in Sheep
Factors Associated with Hypotension and Bradycardia after Epidural Anesthesia
Postoperative Epidural Analgesia
Improved Postoperative Analgesia with High Thoracic Epidural (TEA) and Intrathecal Morphine (IMS) Anesthesia for Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery (CABS)
Letters to the Editor
- Suprascapular Nerve Block (1 July, 1996)
- Reply to Dr. Alam (1 July, 1996)
- Continuous Infusion Epidural Analgesia During Labor (1 July, 1996)
- Postdural Puncture Headache (1 July, 1996)
- Postdural Puncture Headache:: The Betadine Factor (1 July, 1996)
- Defective Nylon Epidural Catheter (1 July, 1996)
- Retrobulbar Block Using an Immobile Needle (1 July, 1996)
- Stretching of Epidural Nylon Catheters on Removal (1 July, 1996)
Local Anaesthesia for Eye Surgery
Management of Tetanus with Epidural Anaesthesia
- Management of Tetanus with Epidural Anaesthesia (1 July, 1996)
Modeling of a safety threshold for remifentanil as adjunct to locoregional anesthesia
Original Articles
Postoperative Epidural Analgesia
Preemptive Intercostal Nerve Block With Bupivacaine Prevents Acute Postoperative Pain
Review Article
- Acupuncture: A Review (1 July, 1996)