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Postblock Epidural Hematoma Causing Paraplegia: Case Report
  1. Pragati Ganjoo, D.A., D.N.B.,
  2. Arun K. Singh, M.S.,
  3. Vinod K. Mishra, M.S.,
  4. Prabhat K. Singh, M.D. and
  5. Deepu Bannerjee, M.Ch.
  1. From the Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, India
  1. Reprint requests: Pragati Ganjoo, D.A., D.N.B., Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, P.B. 375, Lucknow 226 001, India.


Background and Objectives. An elderly man with no obvious preexisting coagulation disorder had paraplegia following epidural block for transurethral prostatectomy that was later found to be due to a large epidural hematoma requiring surgical decompression of the spinal cord.

Methods. There was a delay in starting treatment since the cause was not initially suspected.

Results. The patient did not improve much after the operation.

Conclusions. The anesthesiologist should be alert to the possibility of epidural hematoma forming in otherwise normal patients to avoid such unfavorable outcomes.

  • complications
  • epidural hematoma
  • paraplegia

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