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Uncommon Applications for Continuous Spinal Anesthesia
  1. E. E. Fibuch, M.D.
  1. From the Department of Anesthesiology, University of Missouri at Kansas City/Saint Luke’s Hospital of Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri.
  1. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. E. E. Fibuch, Department of Anesthesiology, Saint Luke's Hospital of Kansas City, 44th and Wornall Road, Kansas City, MO 64111.


The role that uncommon agents of antinociception, placed intrathecally, play in the control of nociceptive signal transmission in the spinal cord is described. Three specific agents are discussed in detail: baclofen, a gamma aminobutyric acid mimetic agent; clonidine, an alpha-2 agonist; and somatostatin, a neuroinhibitory peptide. In addition, the efficacy of using an implanted pump-catheter system for the long-term infusion of baclofen and octreotide, a somatostatin-like analog, is reviewed.

  • Baclofen
  • clonidine
  • continuous spinal infusion
  • gamma aminobutyric acid
  • implantable infusion pumps
  • octreotide
  • somatostatin
  • spinal anesthesia.

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  • Professor and Vice Chairman.

    The author thanks Mrs. Lisa Young and Mrs. Kitty Price for their invaluable help in the preparation of this article.