Table of contents
July 1992 - Volume 17 - 4
Original Article
- Analysis of Human Epidural Pressures (1 July, 1992)
- The Resistance of the Human Dura Mater to Needle Penetration (1 July, 1992)
- Fentanyl and Lidocaine versus Lidocaine for Bier Block (1 July, 1992)
Case Report
- Accidental Overdose of Epidural Bupivacaine and Sufentanil (1 July, 1992)
- The Concept of a Conical Spinal Needle (1 July, 1992)
- Temperature, Not Pain, Is Best for Assessing Regional Block (1 July, 1992)
- Labeling of Bupivacaine Solutions (1 July, 1992)
- Response (1 July, 1992)
- 3-in-1 or 4-in-1? (1 July, 1992)
- In Defense of the 3-in-1 Block (1 July, 1992)
- Errata (1 July, 1992)
Book Reviews
- Introduction to Anesthesia, 8th ed. (1 July, 1992)
- Local Anesthesia for Dermatologic Surgery. (1 July, 1992)