Table of contents
September 1990 - Volume 15 - Suppl 5
- Preface
- Comment
- Regional Workshop
- Medicolegal Controversies in Regional Anesthesia
- Comment
- Regional Workshop
- Comment
- Symposium on Local Anesthetics
- Comment
- Sensory Level of Subarachnoid Block
- Analgesic Effect of Intrathecally Administered Morphine
- Regional Workshop
- Comment
- Symposium on Local Anesthetics
- Comment
- Sensory Level of Subarachnoid Block
- Analgesic Effect of Intrathecally Administered Morphine
- Regional Workshop
- Comment
- Original Article
- Comment
- Symposium on Spinal Anesthesia
- Comment
- Gaston Labat Award Acceptance Address
- Density of Local Anesthetics
- Regional Workshop
- Comment
- Abbott Lecture
- Comment
- Original Article
- Comment
- The Labat Address
- The Abbott Lecture
- Comment
- Original Articles
- Regional Workshop
- Clinical Notes
- Original Articles
- Regional Workshop
- Reviews
- Notices
- Case Report
- Regional Anesthesia for Upper Extremity Surgery Symposium
- Original Articles
- Regional Workshop
- Case Report
- Comment
- Original Articles
- Regional Workshop
- Review
- Letter to the Editor
- Comment
- Abbott Lecture
- Original Articles
- Review
- Comment
- The Labat Address
- Original Articles
- Regional Workshop
- Clinical Notes
- Preface (1 September, 1990)
Regional Workshop
Medicolegal Controversies in Regional Anesthesia
- Mini-Heparinization for Prophylaxis of Thromboembolism (1 September, 1990)
- The Role of Volume in Spinal Anesthesia (1 September, 1990)
- Volume Augmentation of Anesthetic Mixture in Spinal Anesthesia (1 September, 1990)
Regional Workshop
- Epidural Blood Patch for Postmyelogram Headache (1 September, 1990)
- New Routine for Identifying the Epidural Space (1 September, 1990)
- Lipids, Pores, and Excitable Membranes (1 September, 1990)
Symposium on Local Anesthetics
- The Mechanism of Action of Local Anesthetics (1 September, 1990)
- Physiologic Disposition of Local Anesthetic Agents (1 September, 1990)
- Biotransformation of Local Anesthetics (1 September, 1990)
- Toxicity of Local Anesthetics (1 September, 1990)
- The Future of Regional Anesthesia (1 September, 1990)
Analgesic Effect of Intrathecally Administered Morphine
- Analgesic Effect of Intrathecally Administered Morphine (1 September, 1990)
Regional Workshop
- Headache and Air Travel Following Lumbar Puncture (1 September, 1990)
- Multiple Spinal Anesthetics in a Single Patient: Case Report (1 September, 1990)
- Epidural Blood Patch for Postmyelogram Headache (1 September, 1990)
- New Routine for Identifying the Epidural Space (1 September, 1990)
- Lipids, Pores, and Excitable Membranes (1 September, 1990)
Symposium on Local Anesthetics
- The Mechanism of Action of Local Anesthetics (1 September, 1990)
- Physiologic Disposition of Local Anesthetic Agents (1 September, 1990)
- Biotransformation of Local Anesthetics (1 September, 1990)
- Toxicity of Local Anesthetics (1 September, 1990)
- The Future of Regional Anesthesia (1 September, 1990)
Analgesic Effect of Intrathecally Administered Morphine
- Analgesic Effect of Intrathecally Administered Morphine (1 September, 1990)
Regional Workshop
- Headache and Air Travel Following Lumbar Puncture (1 September, 1990)
- Multiple Spinal Anesthetics in a Single Patient: Case Report (1 September, 1990)
- Intravenous Perfusion with Reserpine for Raynaud's Phenomenon (1 September, 1990)
- A Year of Maturation (1 September, 1990)
Original Article
- This Issue—And Future Issues (1 September, 1990)
Symposium on Spinal Anesthesia
- Effects of Baricity, Position, and Equipment on Successful Spinal Anesthesia (1 September, 1990)
- Hypotension: Causes, Significance, and Treatments (1 September, 1990)
- Postdural Puncture Headache (1 September, 1990)
- Sir Robert Macintosh: A Biographical Sketch (1 September, 1990)
Gaston Labat Award Acceptance Address
- Gaston Labat Award Acceptance Address (1 September, 1990)
Density of Local Anesthetics
- Density of Local Anesthetics: Clinical Implications (1 September, 1990)
Regional Workshop
- Obstetric Analgesia (1 September, 1990)
- Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring and Obstetric Anesthesia (1 September, 1990)
Abbott Lecture
- Epidural Anesthesia and Childbirth: An Enduring Marriage (1 September, 1990)
- Cervical Epidural Block in Raynaud's Disease: A Case Report (1 September, 1990)
- Unusual Local Anesthetic Responses (1 September, 1990)
- Lumbar Epidural Analgesia in the Baboon (1 September, 1990)
Original Article
- Symposium on Intravenous Regional Anesthesia (1 September, 1990)
- Experience With Volumetric Infusion Pumps for Continuous Epidural Analgesia (1 September, 1990)
- Pharmacokinetics of Intravenous Regional Anesthesia (1 September, 1990)
- Site of Action of Intravenous Regional Anesthesia (1 September, 1990)
- Choice of Agents for Intravenous Regional Anesthesia (1 September, 1990)
- Complications of Intravenous Regional Anesthesia (1 September, 1990)
The Labat Address
- On Spinal Anaesthesia—Experiences Over 40 Years (1 September, 1990)
- Clinical Experiences of Epidural Anesthesia for Total Hip Replacement (1 September, 1990)
The Abbott Lecture
- Current and Future Status of Spinal Anesthesia for Surgery (1 September, 1990)
- Comment (1 September, 1990)
Original Articles
- Ethylene Oxide Sterilization of Local Anesthetics:: A Potential Hazard? (1 September, 1990)
- Subarachnoid Pressure with Epidural Blood “Patch” (1 September, 1990)
- New Concepts of Toxicity for Local Anesthetic Agents (1 September, 1990)
- The Rational Use of Local Anesthetic Mixtures (1 September, 1990)
Regional Workshop
- Regional Anesthesia for Renal Transplantation (1 September, 1990)
- Treatment of Chronic Pain by Continuous Blockade of Peripheral Nervous System (1 September, 1990)
- Hypotension from Intraoperative Intercostal Nerve Blocks (1 September, 1990)
Clinical Notes
- Vasopressors and Regional Anesthesia (1 September, 1990)
- Regional Anesthesia in the Morbidly Obese (1 September, 1990)
Original Articles
- Optimal Ratio of Bupivacaine and Dextran For Regional Analgesia (1 September, 1990)
- Skin Temperature Changes During Continuous Lumbar Epidural Analgesia for Labor (1 September, 1990)
Regional Workshop
- Regional Anesthesia for Outpatient Surgery (1 September, 1990)
- Mechanisms of Pain (1 September, 1990)
- Prophylactic Epidural Blood Patch (1 September, 1990)
- Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology (SOAP) (1 September, 1990)
- Effect Of Medication During Labor And Delivery On Infant Outcome (1 September, 1990)
Case Report
Regional Anesthesia for Upper Extremity Surgery Symposium
- Historical Considerations (1 September, 1990)
- “Traditional” or Supraclavicular Technique (1 September, 1990)
- Perivascular Techniques (1 September, 1990)
- Complications (1 September, 1990)
- Ancillary Measures To Assure Success (1 September, 1990)
Original Articles
- Effect of Pitcher Plant Distillate on Frog Sciatic Nerve (1 September, 1990)
Regional Workshop
- Cardiac Pacemaker:: A New Indication for Cervical Plexus Block (1 September, 1990)
Case Report
- Disruption of Colonic Anastomosis Associated with Epidural Anesthesia (1 September, 1990)
- Morpheus Without Dreams (1 September, 1990)
Original Articles
- Mechanism of Action for Dextran Prolonging Regional Anesthesia (1 September, 1990)
- Lung Uptake of Lidocaine in Man (1 September, 1990)
- Interaction of Diazepam and Epidurally Administered Local Anesthetic Agents (1 September, 1990)
Regional Workshop
- Special Needle for Nerve Blocks (1 September, 1990)
- Use of the Nerve Stimulator for Peripheral Blocks (1 September, 1990)
Letter to the Editor
- Letter to the Editor (1 September, 1990)
- Pain and Suffering (1 September, 1990)
Abbott Lecture
- The Relief of Pain in Far-Advanced Cancer (1 September, 1990)
Original Articles
- Using a Pain Questionnaire To Predict Response to Steroid Epidurals (1 September, 1990)
- Phantom Phenomena and Anesthetically Induced Proprioceptive Block (1 September, 1990)
- The Psychological Aspects of Treatment of Chronic Pain Patients (1 September, 1990)
- What Price Security? (1 September, 1990)
The Labat Address
- From Koller to Labat:: A Historic Resume (1 September, 1990)
Original Articles
- Mechanism of Hypo-Osmotic Conduction Block (1 September, 1990)
- pH Does Not Affect Toxicity of Local Anesthetics (1 September, 1990)
- A Double-Blind Comparison of Etidocaine and Lidocaine for IV Regional Anesthesia (1 September, 1990)
Regional Workshop
Clinical Notes
- Regional Anesthesia for Patients with Chronic Lung Disease (1 September, 1990)