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Ephedrine as a Marker of Intravascular Injection in Laboring Parturients
  1. Sundararaj R. Cherala, M.D., M.S.*,
  2. Rinaldo Greene, M.D., PH.D.*** and
  3. Dhirendra Mehta, F.F.A.C.S., M.B., CH.B.**
  1. *Fellow in Anesthesia
  2. **Instructor in Anesthesia
  3. ***Assistant Professor of Anesthesia, Chief of Anesthesiology of Cooper Green Hospital and Birmingham V.A. Hospital
  4. From Cooper Green Hospital, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Anesthesia, Birmingham, Alabama


Thirty healthy laboring parturients were randomly chosen to receive either normal saline (NS), ephedrine 10 mg (EPH-10), or ephedrine 15 mg (EPH-15) intravenously. Changes in maternal heart rate and blood pressure and fetal heart rate were monitored. A clinically useful and statistically significant (< 0.001) increase in systolic blood pressure of 10 torr or more occurred in all 10 patients in the EPH-15 group. There was no adverse fetal outcome. Transient fetal tachycardia was seen in three fetuses in the EPH-15 group.

  • Epidural test dose
  • ephedrine
  • obstetrics

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