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Spinal Cord Compression Following Labor and Delivery with Epidural Analgesia
  1. James N. Simon, D.O.,
  2. Douglas G. Martz, M.D.,
  3. Bettylou K. Mokriski, M.D.,
  4. Lynn C. Keene, M.D.,
  5. Bruce S. Gillies, M.D. and
  6. Andrew M. Malinow, M.D.
  1. From the Departments of Anesthesiology and Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Maryland Medical School, Baltimore, Maryland.


Transient back pain is not uncommon during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Following an epidural anesthetic, back pain persisted in a postpartum patient beyond the expected period of soreness. Further diagnostic evaluation led to diagnosis and surgical decompression of a herniated thoracic disc.

  • Epidural anesthesia
  • backache
  • intravertebral disc displacement
  • pregnancy

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