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The Subjective Complications and Efficiency of the Epidural Blood Patch in the Treatment of Postdural Puncture Headache
  1. Pekka Juhani Tarkkila, M.D.,
  2. Jose Andrés Miralles, M.D. and
  3. Eero Artturi Palomaki, M.D.
  1. From the Department of Anesthesiology, Tampere University Hospital, Finland.


The complications and efficacy of epidural blood patch were studied retrospectively by means of a questionnaire sent to 236 patients. Hospital records were also studied. One-hundred-ninety-six patients returned the questionnaire. No major complications were found. Epidural blood patch was found to be effective; 84.5% of the respondents had complete and permanent recovery from headache in less than 24 hours after a single epidural blood patch. Of those responding, 42.3% were willing to undergo spinal anesthesia in the future, when indicated, only if they could be assured of getting epidural blood patch in the event of a postdural puncture headache.

  • Epidural blood patch
  • postdural puncture headache
  • complications of dural puncture
  • patient acceptance of spinal anesthesia
  • anesthetic techniques

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