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Epidural Analgesia for Labor and Delivery in a Patient with von Willebrand's Disease
  1. Shaul Cohen, M.D.*,
  2. Jonathan S. Daitch, M.D.,
  3. David Amar, M.D.* and
  4. Paul L. Goldiner, M.D.
  1. From the Department of Anesthesiology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York
  2. *Assistant Professor
  3. Fellow in Obstetric Anesthesia
  4. Professor and Chairman


Patients with histories of bleeding disorders may still benefit from regional anesthetic techniques. The decision to perform the block should be individualized, based on coagulation tests. The authors describe a patient with von Willebrand's disease in whom pregnancy itself improved factor VIII activity, enabling performance of an epidural block for labor and delivery.

  • von Willebrand's Disease
  • Coagulopathy
  • Bleeding time
  • Desmopressin
  • Atypical plasma cholinesterase

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