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Differential Cold and Sympathetic Blockade During Obstetric Epidural Analgesia: A Pilot Study
  1. Paul A. J. Hardy, BSc(Hons), MB, ChB, FFARCS
  1. From the Liverpool Maternity Hospital, Liverpool, England


Obstetric patients were studied after the onset of epidural analgesia using bupivacaine. Sympathetic blockade was assessed using liquid crystal contact thermography. Cold sensory blockade was assessed using ethyl chloride spray. A differential zone of blockade was observed with cold sensory block three to four segments cephalad to the corresponding sympathetic level at 30 and 45 minutes post-block.

  • Anesthetic technique
  • Epidural
  • Analgesia
  • Obstetric
  • sympathetic blockade
  • Thermography

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