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A Simple Technique to Make Bupivacaine a Rapid-acting Epidural Anesthetic
  1. Prabodh M. Mehta, MD,
  2. Eugene Theriot, MD,
  3. Deepak Mehrotra, MD,
  4. Kirit Patel, MD and
  5. Baylen G. Kimball, MD
  1. From the Department of Anesthesiology, Woman's Hospital, Baton Rouge, Louisiana


Bupivacaine is a preferred epidural anesthetic in obstetrics because it has a long duration of action and it causes minimal motor blockade. Its major disadvantage is its slow onset of action. This report outlines the use of warm bupivacaine to shorten the latent period of onset of action of bupivacaine while maintaining its properties of long duration of action and minimal motor blockade.

  • Anesthesia
  • obstetrical
  • epidural
  • Anesthetics
  • local
  • Latent period
  • Temperature

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