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Hematuria as a Complication of Lumbar Paravertebral Sympathetic Block
  1. Stephen Jackson, MD,
  2. David Smith, MD and
  3. Andrew Durkin, MD
  1. From the Departments of Anesthesia and Radiology and the Division of Cardiovascular Surgery, Good Samaritan Hospital of the Santa Clara Valley, San Jose, California


Hematuria is described as a previously unreported and perhaps unrecognized complication of a lumbar paravertebral sympathetic block. Trauma to the ureter with a blocking needle is proposed as the source of the hematuria. The proximity of the ureter to the sympathetic chain at the second, third, and fourth lumbar levels is noteworthy and demonstrated with a computed axial tomographic cross section. The kidney is another potential, albeit less likely, source of hematuria during this block.

  • Lumbar paravertebral sympathetic block
  • Sympathetic block
  • Hematuria
  • Ureter
  • Ureteral trauma
  • Complications

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